Logo repafer

The Network for the Promotion and Empowerment of Rural Women in Burkina REPAFER BURKINA is a secular, non-union, apolitical and non-profit organization created on March 21, 2017 in accordance with Law No. 64/2015 of October 20, 2015. Its main purpose is to protect and promote the rights of mothers and children, young girls and vulnerable children and to work to take gender into account in its holistic dimension. REPAFER's head office is in Manga in the Centre-Sud region and can be transferred to any other locality in the territory by decision of the general assembly. The network has two main sections namely Kourwéogo in the Central Plateau and Zoundwéogo in the Center South. It also has false points in several regions of the country with which it works in perfect collaboration. These are the East, North, Center North, Center East and Boucle du Mouhoun regions.
Our vision is to make rural women their own architects of development while advocating a just and fulfilled world for children, girls and women.

REPAFER's missions

Fight against all forms of discrimination and violence against women, girls and children
- Promote sustainable development through agroecology and the transformation of local products
- Improve access to health care for women, young girls and children by 2030;
- Support rural women for their training and socio-economic empowerment
- Promote access and retention of girls in school and education for all
- Accompany young girls who have dropped out of school in their professional integration
- Promote female leadership and inclusive governance for a lasting and virtuous peace
- Promote and protect the rights of rural women, girls and vulnerable people;
- Promote the socio-economic empowerment of women and youth;
- Fight against all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls;
- Contribute to gender mainstreaming and promote consideration of the specific needs of vulnerable groups;
- Raising public awareness for behavioral changes
The Network for the Promotion and Empowerment of Rural Women (REPAFER) has implemented its program of activities for the year

Our objectives include

Protect and defend the rights of children, young girls and rural women;
Fight against all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls;
Promote consideration of the specific needs of vulnerable groups,
Promoting Female Leadership for Inclusive Governance
Raise public awareness for adoption of climate change and environmental protection;
Improve access to health care for women, children and young girls by 2030;
Promote SRR and family planning
Supporting rural women for their training and empowerment
Promote girls' access to and retention in school
Support young girls who have dropped out of school in their professional integration
Fight against poverty in all its dimensions for the happiness of rural women;
Promoting social cohesion and living together within populations

Our areas of intervention

- Fight against GBV,
- Education for all,
- The health of the mother of the child as well as the young girl
- Socio-economic empowerment through the production and processing of local products,
- Agro-ecology
- Female leadership
- Peacebuilding
- Environmental protection
- Hygiene and sanitation
- The professional integration of young girls
- Agro-silvo-pastoral

Our Values ​​

- Secularism: REPAFER is a secular, apolitical and non-profit organization;
- Solidarity: the organization intends to remain faithful to the associative spirit;
- Gender: REPAFER endorses the defense of gender and the gender approach to development
- Commitment: REPAFER remains available and committed to defending the rights of women and children, young girls and respect for gender to ensure sustainable human development for their future;
- Responsibility: REPAFER assumes its choices and defends them because it is convinced that it brings well-being to the population it serves;
- Good governance, the enhancement of everyone's capacities, the transparency and efficiency of the means made available to serve the population;
- Accountability and dialogue: REPAFER is committed to respecting the principles of accountability to report to its partners

Your Values

The search for sustainable human development based on equity
Honoring commitments to partners
Good governance at all levels
Representability and Accountability
Transparency in management the sense of the common good
Tolerance, dialogue and consultation as a means of solving problems


Sponsorship of underprivileged children
Raising awareness among young girls and boys on issues of sexual and reproductive health, violence, STIs/AIDS, women's rights and gender.
Vocational training for the benefit of young women and girls.
The promotion of income-generating activities for vulnerable women.