The APFG has been working since 1992 to integrate the women of Gaoua in the process of economic, social and cultural development in order to improve their living conditions...

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Logo GAE Sahel

GAE-Sahel is a non-governmental organization (NGO) working for community development. GAE-Sahel was created as an association on September 15, 2000 according to receipt No. 61 CB of May 15, 2002 Bougouni...

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Maïa (Humanism in the Bambara language) is a non-profit association based in Bobo-Dioulasso.
It was created in 1994 by Aminata Diallo and officially recognized in 1998 by receipt N°98-140/MATS/PHUE/HC/DAG of 09/25/98...

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Logo Repafer

The Network for the Promotion and Empowerment of Rural Women in Burkina REPAFER BURKINA is a secular, non-union, apolitical and non-profit organization created on March 21, 2017 in accordance with Law No. 64/2015 of October 20, 2015...

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Logo Repafer

The Pan-African Organization for the Research and Protection of Violence against Women and Children (PAORP-VWC) is a non-governmental human rights and development organization created on 05/02/ 2008 and registered in Ghana on September 12, 2008 with the Department of the Registrar General under the name of a Charity No G-25,584 and the Department of Social Welfare Ghana under the registration number DSW/4437...

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